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Physics - A Fun Subject or a Boring One?

Since the birth of mankind, Physics has always been an interesting subject. But if its that interesting, why most people/students do not prefer studying it or opting research in physics as a career?
Today in this blog we are going to address the same.

As you might know that physics is a branch of science that not only deals with the behavior of objects in our surroundings, but it also tries to explain how distant celestial bodies like stars and galaxies function.

Students in the early years of their education are taught intuitive physics which is easy to visualize and apply in their daily life.
But as education progresses, less intuitive and harder to visualize concepts are taught which need equations and mathematical skills to understand and interpret them. 

We begin to realize that our beloved physics which talked about cool stars and galaxies was just Math after all. When this realization kicks in, most of the people begin to find physics a boring subject which has tougher math problems than math itself as a subject.

But that's not all!

Just because people find physics tough and hard-to-grasp doesn't mean its not fun. Yes it does have a lot of math involved in it, but at the core, all these math equations are trying to explain us how a complex system functions and how we can make use of it in our daily life- 
Take for example, the "Doppler Effect" which was about calculating distance of stars from earth by observing brightness of the star. Later on this concept was used to make sensors which can detect speed of a vehicle just by hearing the amount of sound produced by it. These sensors are used near traffic lights to regulate the speed of vehicles. As you can see, a concept which was barely related to our daily life became very useful.

Same goes for all those complicated looking math equations. They may seem impractical at first, but are very useful when implemented properly.
When we develop such a mindset, we immediately find physics a very fun and useful subject.

CONCLUSION: The toughness of a subject depends only on the mindset of a person, if they have a positive mindset they will learn the subject no matter how hard it is.
 Physics is a subject which one must study with great interest as it will help in the all round development of an individual

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